Christmas Cleanse

For the most part, this is the season where folks are typically enjoying the joy of giving and getting gifts. It’s a happy time for sure, especially for little ones who’ve had their eye on a specific item all year.


I’m old(er)… and I like gifts too! More-so though, I like cleansing….or purging. In addition to gift-giving, the end of the year signifies a time to go through my house, life, stuff and purge things that take up physical space and mental space. I love doing this. People think of Springtime as the time to clean and purge, but I like to do it in December so when the New Year rolls in there is physical and mental space to either add … or not add new things. Sort of an ‘out with the old – in with the new’ process.

Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against acquiring a lot of unnecessary stuff, but me personally, too much stuff messes with my mind and thought processes.

Even as a child, I was this way. At Christmas time, Mom would hand me the Sears Gift Catalog (remember that?) and tell me to mark what I wanted. I was an only child then so I could have gone bananas picking out things… but I didn’t. I just never wanted many ‘things’, and most things I chose had a function, purpose or learning quality, i.e. a desk, Operation Game, a microscope, art supplies, small jewelry box… things I needed or wanted to learn about.

I’m still that way somewhat. I’m not one to have ‘stuff’ sitting around on tables, shelves, etc. if it doesn’t fit on the mantel, then it usually ends up in the donation box. Knickknacks, a.k.a. dust collectors, are just not my thing.

So, with some days off from work, I got busy.

The purging process is completely overwhelming for lots of folks but I take it in

woman in grey shirt holding brown cardboard box
Photo by bruce mars on

chunks; garage, closets, storage box, spare clothes closet, shoe rack, etc. No way would I attempt this all in one day; and I don’t set a hard ‘finish’ date – the only real plan is to make time in 2 to 3 hour sessions and just DO it. Here is an example of the process:

1. Garage: The mess of it was starting to bother me. Cardboard boxes, old shoes, empty yard care and insecticide containers, just stuff. I started here so my hard work could be seen each time I left or returned home. I cut down all the card board boxes to take to the recycle bin; I saved one box though and designated it for things that could be donated. I sorted thorough all things that were just sitting in the garage over the year and tossed a lot of stuff. I swept out the garage and VOILA! Garage done. ✔️

2. Shoes: All that I said above holds true, except when it comes to shoes. I’m embarrassed to say how many pairs of shoes I own. I love them all! 😂…. But I do wear them out quickly it seems. I used to keep them around just because I liked them; it was like I had some kind of emotional attachment to them. Well, I’m over that now – if they are run-over, skinned up, have worn heels, or in my case after losing a bunch of weight they are simply too big (yes, feet lose fat too), I throw them out or donate them if in decent condition (I don’t donate stuff that I wouldn’t even want). Shoes done✔️

Greeting Card Box: For some reason, I keep most cards I receive, in a  ox decorated with shoes no less, lol; I’ve got 20 years worth now. 😳. I decided to see what was in the box because it was overflowing and new cards were being stored on top of, in,  and beside the box, rather than IN the box. Time to purge. 69FACD06-D0D8-4E98-B821-C7CF19A80AA3I had the best time reviewing my life in greeting cards over the past two decades but some of them had to go. I started by determining who they were from. Cards from insurance agencies, or car dealers, etc. were tossed; probably should have been on New Years day. Cards from my closest, dearest friends were kept. Simple.

Then there were cards from people who used to be really close but our lives have drifted apart; I kept some of those. A29A45BE-5C1D-4A7C-AC64-7F11E93EFBAFTHEN, I ran across cards from friends who are now deceased! Boy, did I keep those. Just seeing their handwriting, and hearing their voice in my head as I read their card warmed my heart and made me smile. It also reminded me to cherish my family and friends…. And to keep on keeping cards.💕 Greeting Card Box done. ✔️



4. Art Supply area: I’m a portrait artist so I have a stash of needed art supplies for my commissioned pieces. I don’t toss anything here but I must organize and take inventory regularly. This isn’t really a purge of things, but a purge of clutter; I stacked and grouped and rearranged. Art Room done.✔️

This is just an example of how I go about the purging process. Seriously, getting rid of clutter, unnecessary junk, etc. feels like it clears my souls. I wouldn’t


consider myself a minimalist but I do like keeping life simple. My Christmas mantel includes these two little plaques that pretty much sums up my thought processes about life. … Be Thankful and Keep it Simple.

Peace, love, and joy to you! 😘❤️

Author: Jan Elle

❤️ Artist, Writer, and other things

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